Required Configuration Parameters

Parameters are specified in the configuration file /etc/sysconfig/rc_domino_config.
The configuration shipped with the start script comes with reasonable defaults.

DOMINO_USER (required)

User-variable automatically set to the OS level user (indirect configuration)

LOTUS (required)

Domino installation directory (usual /opt/hcl/domino) This is the main variable which needs to be set for binaries

Default: /opt/hcl/domino


Data-Directory Default: /local/notesdata


Configuration variable. Needs to be set to yes per user to confirm that the environment for this user is setup correctly.

Configuration Parameters


Language setting used to determine local settings (e.g. decimal point and comma)



Default: not set –> uses the setting of the UNIX/Linux user


Environment file, which is particular useful for systemd environments, where the profile cannot be used to set variables, because systemd starts the process.
You can source in the file into your profile for processes starting from a shell and have it included into the server running under systemd.
systemd invokes rc_domino_script which sets the parameters if the configured file exists and can be read.


umask used when creating new files and folders. Usually this is set in the profile of the user but can be also set here for flexibility



Default: not set –> Uses the setting of the UNIX/Linux user


Grace period in seconds (default: 600) to allow to wait until the Domino server should shutdown. After this time nsd -kill is used to terminate the server.


Output log file directory for domino log files.


Output log file used to log Domino output into a OS-level log file (used for troubleshooting and the “monitor” option).
Default: $DOMINO_USER.log in data-directory


Input file for controlling the Domino server (used for “monitor” option)
Default: $DOMINO_USER.input in data-directory


Output log file backup directory for domino log files for archiving log files.


Archive logs after Domino server is shutdown.
This operation runs after the server is shutdown and before a DOMINO_POST_SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT is executed.
Specify yes to enable this option.

The option could be helpful specially when the Domino output files are written to a tmpfs.
In combination with setting a different location for the DOMINO_LOG_BACKUP_DIR those files could be saved to a normal disk while at run-time the files are still written to a normal disk.


Use the Java Controller to manage the Domino server.
Specify yes to enable this option.

When using the Java Server Controller the “monitor” command cannot be used because the Domino Java Server Controller does handle all the console input/output and writes to separate files.


Command that is used to compress log files. There might be different options possible depending on your platform and your installed software

e.g. compress, zip, gzip, …
(Default: “gzip –best”).


By default “vi” is used to edit files via start script.
This option can be used to change the edit command to for example “mcedit” instead.


By default “rm -f” is used to remove temporary files.
You can change this in case you want special checking or archiving etc.


By default “rm -f” is used to remove files that should be cleaned up when they are expired.
You can change this in case you want special checking or archiving etc. This would be specially useful for archiving.
But you could also change it for example to “ls -l” to test which files would be removed during cleanup.


Enabling the debug mode via DOMINO_DEBUG_MODE=yes allows to trace and troubleshoot the start script. Enable this option only for testing!


When you enable the debug mode debug output is written to the console.
This option allows to specify a separate debug output file.
Note: Works in combination with DOMINO_DEBUG_MODE=yes


Domino calculates the Server Availability Index (SAI) via LoadMon by calculating the current transaction times and the minimum transactions times which are stored in loadmon.ncf when the server is shutdown.
This file can only be deleted when the server is showdown.

Enable this option (DOMINO_RESET_LOADMON=yes) to remove loadmon.ncf at server startup

Note: When using this option you will only see a loadmon.ncf in the data directory, when the server is down, because it will be only written at server shutdown time.


Generates a NSD before finally using NSD -kill to recycle the server. This is specially interesting to troubleshoot server shutdown issues. Therefore the option is enabled by default in current configuration files. Enable this option via (DOMINO_NSD_BEFORE_KILL=yes)


Enable this option (DOMINO_REMOVE_TEMPFILES=yes) to remove temp-files from notesdata-directory and if configured from ` DOMINO_VIEW_REBUILD_DIR` at server startup.

The following files are removed:

  • *.DTF
  • *.TMP


Take care that some TMP files can contain important information.
For example files generated by SMTPSaveImportErrors=n

In such cases you have to move those files before restarting the server Server-Restart via Fault-Recovery is not effected because the internal start routines do generally not call this start script.

Therefore the script only deletes *TMP files in data directory which are at least 1 day old.


Rename log.nsf database on startup after n days (This will only work for the default log.nsf location and not check the log= notes.ini parameter).

The file domino_last_log_db.txt in data directory will hold the last time the log was renamed.


Target directory for rename log.nsf database on startup / default log_backup in data dir.

Moving the log.nsf will be executed before starting the server and after the startup compact/fixup operations.
You can specify a directory inside or outside the Domino data directory.


Sets a fixed log.nsf backup file to have one additional version of log.nsf.
Instead of creating multiple versions with date-stamp. Works in combination with DOMINO_LOG_DB_DAYS.

Instead of renaming a log database you can specify DELETEDB to remove the log database.


Sets a fixed domlog.nsf backup file to have one additional version of domlog.nsf.
Instead of creating multiple versions with date-stamp. Works in combination with DOMINO_DOMLOG_DB_DAYS.

Instead of renaming a log database you can specify DELETEDB to remove the log database.


Rename domlog.nsf database on startup after n days.

The file domino_last_domlog_db.txt in data directory will hold the last time the log was renamed.


Target directory for rename domlog.nsf database on startup / default log_backup in data dir

Moving the domlog.nsf will be executed before starting the server and before startup compact/fixup operations.
You can specify a directory inside or outside the Domino data directory.


Set the locale to POSIX (C) when running NSD.


Command to execute before shutting down the Domino server.
In some cases, shutting down a certain servertask before shutting down the server reduces the time the server needs to shutdown.


Delay before shutting down the Domino server after invoking the pre-shutdown command. If configured the shutdown waits this time until invoking the actual shutdown after invoking the DOMINO_PRE_SHUTDOWN_COMMAND command.


View Rebuild Directory which will be created if not present.
This option is specially useful for servers using temp file-systems with subdirectories for example for each partitioned servers separately. Use notes.ini view_rebuild_dir to specify directory.


Notes Temporary Directory which will be created if not present.
This option is specially useful for servers using temp file-systems with subdirectories for example for each partitioned servers separately.

Use notes.ini notes_tempdir to specify directory.


Log Directory which will be created if not present.

This option is specially useful for servers using temp file-systems with subdirectories for example for each partitioned servers separately.

Use notes.ini logfile_dir to specify directory.

The following settings are intended to add functionality to the existing start script without modifying the code directly.
Those scripts inherit all current variables of the main script. The scripts are invoked as kind of call-back functionality. You have to ensure that those scripts terminate in time.


Tries to shutdown the Tika index server during shutdown.
It can happen that the Tika server does not terminate, which prevents the Domino server from shutting down properly.

Default: 30 seconds


Script which can be executed delayed during shutdown.
DOMINO_SHUTDOWN_DELAYED_SECONDS specifies the number of seconds after shutdown start.


Shutdown Delay for delayed shutdown command.

Default is 20 seconds if script is defined.


3rd Party directories to check for running processes when cleaning up server resources specify separate directories with blank in-between. directory names should not contain blanks.
Those directories are also checked for running processes when cleaning up server resources via clenup command by default only the $LOTUS directory is checked for running binaries.


Specifies which compact should be executed before Domino server start. This allows regularly compact of e.g. system databases when the server starts you should specify an .ind file for selecting system databases.
An example which is disabled by default is included in the config file.


Specifies which compact options to use when using the “compact” and restartcompact commands you should specify an .ind file for selecting system databases.

An example which is disabled by default is included in the config file.


Specifies which fixup should be executed before Domino server start.
This allows regularly fixup of e.g. system databases when the server starts you should specify an .ind file for selecting system databases.

An example which is disabled by default is included in the config file.

Note: fixup is a last resort operation when a database is corrupted and it is not required to run fixup regularly on any database in a scheduled manner.
Some customers have special requirements and this start script is intended to provide options for different customer cases.


Specifies which fixup options to use when using the “fixup” and restartfixup commands.
You should specify an .ind file for selecting system databases.

An example which is disabled by default is included in the config file.


Compact task can now be specified. By default “compact” is used.

Another option would be to use dbmt (since Domino 9).


Log compact options.


Start log compact options.

Expert Configuration Parameters

The following configuration parameters are intended for experienced administrors only.


This option allows you to specify a directory which is used for custom commands.
If a command which is specified when invoking the script matches a script name which is present in the specified directory (and if the script can be executed) the custom command will execute the script passing all current parameters of the current command.
This is a new flexible way to plug-in your own commands without changing the code of the main script logic.


This script allows a customizable way to remove temp files on server start.
A sample script remove_tempfiles_script is included. The script works in combination with DOMINO_REMOVE_TEMPFILES. You have to specify a script name and enable the option. This script overwrites the default code in the start script.


Clear Logs on startup before the server starts. See clearlog for details about the actions performed.


Number of days until logs are cleared (See details in clearlog command description).


Number of days until backup logs are cleared (See details in clearlog command description).


Specify this custom location to remove old logs from a directory.
Can only be used in combination with DOMINO_CUSTOM_LOG_CLEAR_DAYS


Age of log files to be cleared. Works in combination with DOMINO_CUSTOM_LOG_CLEAR_PATH.


Custom log clear script will be used instead of the standard log clear operations and replaces all other clear operations! (See details in clearlog command description).


This variable can be used to specify a directory for all scripts that can be invoked.
It is only referenced in the configuration file and used by default for a scripts which are invoked.
But you can also specify different locations per pre/post script.


This script is invoked before starting the server.


This script is invoked after starting the server.


This script is invoked before shutting down the server.


This script is invoked after shutting down the server.


This script is invoked before any nsd -kill is executed.


This script is invoked after any nsd -kill is executed.


This script is invoked before cleaning up server resources native on OS level.


This script is invoked after cleaning up server resources native on OS level.


Script which will be executed before the server status is checked.
This can be helpful in case you want to check status for other tools like monitoring tools before you check the Domino server status.
The option does not directly impact the status of the Domino status and is mainly intended to add log output.


By default live console uses server -c "cmd" to run server commands.
This new functionality can be reverted back to the previous functionality via DOMINO_CONSOLE_SERVERC=NO.
In this case a echo “cmd” > notes.input is used.
Switching back to the old behavior disables support for the live console in combination with the server controller.


Domino PID file per partition which has to match the PID file setting in the domino.service.

This option is only required for systemd support.
The default is located in the Domino data-directory.
If you change the setting you have also change the domino.service file.